Lidskae: Creating New Products and Presentning Them Loudly

On July 25, Lidskae Piva conducted a large-scale and loud presentation of this summer’s two new products: bright fruity hard lemonade Rocky Croc and incredible bread-and-hop mix Yasen Kvasen.

The guests of the event included the most popular Belarusian bloggers, media people, trade partners and customers, as well as employees of Lidskae Piva - those who came up with the new drinks and helped bring them to life.

In the beginning of the party, the organizers offered the guests to try Rocky Croc, giving not-so-subtle hints that the main surprise hidden in a big black box was yet to be revealed.

After speeches by Marketing Director Alena Khomchenko and New Products Manager Valeriy Burblis, the guests of the event had no more doubt that only Lidskae was capable of developing and implementing the new products. Once again, the company confirmed its status as the top 1 beer and beverage company for Belarusians.

During the presentation of Rocky Croc, Brand Manager Valeriya Isakova managed to charm everyone who was listening to her. According to Valeria, the crocodile on the product label was created only after the marketing team conducted a long range of studies, explored the demands of the buyers, and put their trust in the  opinion of the target audience to bring it the new charming and charismatic mascot.

“Grab me a cherry Croc,” someone said at the event. Well, it’s certainly a nice touch if low-alcoholic fruit cocktails got a new nickname yesterday thanks to Rocky Croc.

But what was hiding in the mysterious black box?

The veil of secrecy was lifted by Brand Group Manager Angelina Yanik and Dmitriy Nichipor, the man who came up with the brilliant drink.

“We did something no one had done before,” Angelina started in a mysterious way. “We combined two product categories into one and created something that’s not kvass, even though it has the nice bready flavor, and not beer, even though natural fermentation is used in the production process. We named the new beverage Yasen Kvasen!” 

There’s no point describing the mood of the guests. It’s obvious that Yasen Kvasen got everyone excited. Just look at the photos! 

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