Olvi Group achieved a B rating in its first CDP reporting. The overall rating scale is A-D-. The achievement is really good and shows Olvi's long-term commitment to climate work.
The CDP is a non-profit organization aimed at collecting company-specific data on fighting climate change, greenhouse gas emissions and adaptation to climate change. CDP reporting helps companies to see the state of their environmental work and areas for development, and to compare them with other companies. Through reporting, the information is openly available to both customers and investors. This year, about 13,000 companies worldwide responded to the survey.
“Sustainability in the Olvi Group is part of everyday life. Long-term work has been done to achieve our climate goals, and we have almost achieved our goal of a carbon-neutral plant in Iisalmi in 2023. The Group's other companies are setting their carbon-neutral goals at present”, says Sari Lähteinen, Quality Manager at Olvi plc.
“CDP's assessment is based on 2020 data, which used data from the parent company Olvi for the value chain (Scope 3). In the following reporting, value chain information from all Group companies will be used, which will enable us to target our environmental activities more effectively in the future. We have also started work on setting science-based climate targets (SBTi).