Lida brewers have altered two iconic varieties: Wheat Beer passes into the Master’s Collection craft series, and LIDSKAE Belae Beer returns to the Premium series of the title brand.
For many years, Lidskoe pivo has been working at the development of drinking culture in the country. The company became the first manufacturing enterprise in Belarus to launch the production of craft beer. This allowed domestic consumers to taste products atypical for the market. As a result, the taste preferences of the Belarusians have gradually transformed, and now not only classic lagers, but also less traditional varieties can be brought to the market.
Wheat Beer produced in Lida is light unfiltered beer without cloud emulsions and flavorants. It is produced using a unique technology of triple fermentation. It is due to this technology that beer has lush foam and a smooth wheat taste with pronounced fruity notes of banana and clove. Alcohol content – 5.0%, bitterness – 13 IBU.
To produce this variety, German yeast and at least 60% of imported wheat malt are used. Special raw materials and production process uniqueness motivated the Lida brewers to transfer Wheat Beer into the Master’s Collection craft series. The updated product is already available in the stores. Wheat Beer is currently available in 0.5 L glass bottles (recommended price is 2.2 BYN), but by the end of summer it will also appear in 0.45 L cans. Moreover, the product is available in kegs.
And in early April, the company plans to return the once popular variety LIDSKAE Belae Beer in the product range. It is based on the previous release recipe with certain modifications to meet modern consumer needs. Changes will affect the appearance of the product as well. It will emphasize the belonging of the variety to the LIDSKAE Premium series.
The beer has a rich and deep taste with citrus and coriander notes. It has a light bitter hop aftertaste. Alcohol content – 5.0%, original wort strength – 10.2%, bitterness – 14 IBU. The product will be available in three formats: 0.4 L glass bottles, 0.45 L cans and 0.9 L PET.